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Actual Work — Why Now?
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Actual Work

In addition to all of the things I’m dealing with concerning my Mother, and an annoying complaint by the town that must be pandered to, I have actually been doing some maintenance of a program that I wrote three decades ago.

This program has been chugging along in MS-DOS 3.1 through Windows XP and took a hit from the latest iteration of the HP LaserJet. They made a minor change to the driver that scrambled the printer output.

It took a while to figure out what they had done, because it wasn’t technically a real change, but the strict enforcement of some program standards. What they did was in a passing comment in an HP programming manual, so I finally tried it, and the program is again pumping out paper.

It’s always nice to be useful.


1 Badtux { 05.22.14 at 12:50 am }

Until it has you up at 11PM doing work because there’s a deadline (a doubling of the customer base, meaning more money) that has to be met…

2 Bryan { 05.22.14 at 11:32 pm }

With the time difference between California and the Florida Panhandle, and the fact that this is a small business out there, 11PM CST is not all that unusual when there is an issue to be resolved.