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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging


Friday Cat Blogging

Do you mind?

[Editor: Ms Underhouse takes a cat bath while the kit prefers the solar variety.]

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 05.23.14 at 11:38 pm }

love the expression on ms underhouse’s face!

2 Bryan { 05.24.14 at 4:39 pm }

That’s pretty much how she has always looked at me 😉

3 hipparchia { 05.24.14 at 5:23 pm }

that explains why the little one doesn’t think very highly of you.

4 Bryan { 05.24.14 at 9:13 pm }

The kit is still too young to think of anything but food and sleep, although there has been some play behavior.