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Another Day, Another Mass Shooting — Why Now?
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Another Day, Another Mass Shooting

The NRA scored another 7 deaths and 7 injured in Isla Vista, California next to the UC Santa Barbara campus. We are to believe that a college student decided to go on a shooting spree because he couldn’t get a date.

He started his rampage with the stabbing deaths of his three roommates, and then dropped his three legally purchased handguns into his BMW and drove through town gunning people down.

The gunman’s family has told authorities that he was being treated for Asperger’s Syndrome, but the Aspies I know are not violent people, and understand their problem – the inability to understand non-verbal language. They tend to be very literal and have a hard time understanding some humor, or the social clues that people send all the time. Just because someone has Asperger’s doesn’t mean they can’t be bipolar or schizophrenic as well.

This individual was being professionally treated for a mental health problem and he was still able to legally purchase three handguns thanks to the NRA and craven politicians.


1 Kryten42 { 05.25.14 at 5:19 am }

I pinned a message just yesterday about people loving guns. Had a few likes already. 🙂 My message will be familiar with the regulars here. 😉


There are a bunch of pins there about morons, narcissists, Koch bro’s and quotes from Pres. Carter, Bill Cosby and others. 🙂

2 Bryan { 05.25.14 at 3:29 pm }

There was a comment here that the individual deleted complaining that I shouldn’t blame the NRA. Well the NRA is the group that pressured Congress not to approve a new director of the ATF, the people who enforce what gun laws we have, and to specifically not fund any research on gun violence. We have hard numbers on the effects of cocaine, but not on alcohol, and no government research on guns. The ATF is still not allowed to put its records on a computer for searching because of the NRA and cowardly Congresscritters,

The NRA belongs to and represents the interests of a group of gun manufacturers, not gun owners. Blocking the sale of a handgun because it has a new safety feature that would make it unusable by anyone except the owner wasn’t done to protect gun owners, but to protect the profits of the weapons manufacturers who own the NRA.

3 Kryten42 { 05.26.14 at 2:27 am }

I totally agree. Jon Stewart did a segment recently on the total hypocrisy of the NRA, and as usual when he’s *really* pissed about something, there wasn’t much humor (just enough to keep lawyers away). What a World… *sigh*

4 Bryan { 05.26.14 at 8:18 pm }

There is really not much point in passing new laws if the NRA blocks the current laws from being enforced. We need the current laws enforced; we need accurate data on gun violence; and law enforcement needs quick access to the records when they are investigating crimes. These things have nothing to do with ‘gun rights’, and everything to do with political blackmail.