"It's better to be six feet apart right now than six feet under."
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
"Blognito ergo sum!"
"Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."
"Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen."
"Все счастливые семьи похожи друг на друга, каждая несчастливая семья несчастлива по-своему."
"Кто что ни говори, а подобные происшествия бывают на свете, - редко, но бывают."
"A person who has a cat by the tail knows a whole lot more about cats than someone who has just read about them."
Mark Twain
"There are two novels that can change a bookish 14-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it."
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Yep! Mine is (appropriately) red, has my name embroidered on it, is soaked in nutrients (well, they may be nutritious for some form of life) and is hanging on a rail less than a meter from my desk! LOL (True just BTW!) 😉
Well that’s certainly classy. Mine’s white with my old military laundry mark on it, but it is almost that close.
oh geez, I forgot to move the towels from the washer to the dryer, brb…
So, you wouldn’t have a towel available if the Vogons put in a bypass through the solar system. Tsk, tsk.
hipparchia… You… WASHED “The Towel??” What planet are you from! 😮 That… that’s… just wrong! FAIL!! *sigh*
😛 😉 LOL
I had two close friends when I was younger, and we loved HHGTTG (the books then). So my Mom decided to see what we were always laughing about, and she read them. She loved reading, but I’d never known her to read anything like HHGTTG! I was a bit apprehensive. LOL Anyway, she loved the series! LOL She surprised me & and my 2 m8’s buy buying us a towel each and embroidering our names on them! Mine was red, One was black, and one was blue (their fave color’s). One was my m8 Andrew that died in Cambodia. So, my towel means a great deal to me.
I was dating a girl just before I signed up who sadly had very little sense of humor (that I could ever find, and my Mom didn’t like her) who one day dissed my towel and the fact that it was important to me. So, I dumped her. She was shocked… But it’s simple. If you make fun of something that is important to someone, that has some real significance to a person no matter how insignificant it may be for you, then you are the one with the serious problem.
Some people just don’t believe, Kryten … [sigh]
From such seemingly minor things I have seen more than one nasty ‘domestic disturbance’ result. When people end up getting stitches before being booked into jail, you understand that one person’s ‘trivial’ can be another person’s ‘vital’.
Air crews are well-known for having amulets and good luck charms, and you don’t talk about them, you respect them. You can’t imagine how many different cultures have ‘worry beads’ until you fly for a while.
hipparchia… You… WASHED “The Towel??”
with bleach and everything!
What planet are you from!
nobody knows. i was found on a doorstep. 😉
i enjoyed the hitchhiker’s guide, but i was more into the dirk gently stories (all two of them). i guess i’ll just have to blame that on having norwegian friends.
LOL hipparchia! 😀 I love your sense of humor, honestly! 😀 My Mom loved the Dirk Gently series as well, and Disc World. (as did I. I loved everything from Adams, even his non-fiction – which were still somewhat humorous, such as “The Prostitute in the Family Tree – Discovering Humor and Irony in the Bible”. 😆 I haven’t read “The Salmon Of Doubt” which was published a year after his untimely death *sigh*). I was very lucky, and I know it. 🙂
That all very true Bryan. I’ve seen it myself. Of course, we both know it’s just a towel, and the towel part is the least important. It’s the symbolism, what it represents. And that’s what so many people don’t get. Some people have no depth at all, too superficial in all things. I’ve met so many like that. That ex-gf above was one such. I saw in Cambodia & elsewhere many soldiers have something like a good luck charm, and there were so many different types. But many were something from a loved one. They reminded us why we were risking our lives. You’d often see them touching or looking at whatever the object was (sometimes a photo) before going into battle.
It’s a very old custom, knights used to carry ‘favors’ given them by a lady into combat, and that has been consistent ever since. I have an ID bracelet that fits that bill and wore it for years.
I have a keepsake from my Mom, that belonged to her Grandfather! Was a gold signet ring with a onyx setting & large diamond in the middle. I didn’t take that into the field, obviously! But it was locked in the quartermaster’s safe (he was quite nervous I can tell you! Especially when I described in explicit and careful detail what would happen to him it it went missing! Given that I had a reputation for never making threats & keeping my word, he believed me. Smart man. I heard through the grapevine that he had a couple MP’s always nearby, though I never knew if it was to protect the ring, or him. A couple MP’s wouldn’t have slowed me down if that was the case.) 😉 LOL I knew it was there, which was enough. I did carry a photo of Mom, my maternal Grandparents, and me when I was about 5. Except for those missions when I wasn’t allowed to carry anything that might be identifying or could be used against me if I were captured. 😉 We were forbidden to get tattoos even. 🙂
Hmmm… I decided to post this, as it’s curious! And has me mighty curious and thinking… 😉
I came across this story TrueCrypt, encryption tool used by Snowden & Greenwald, shuts down due to alleged ‘security issues’, and this: ‘TrueCrypt’s Web Site Updates with Ominous Warning, Details Unknown’ and several other similar headlines.
Lot’s of questions here:
Hmmm. Very strange! LOL 😉
Oh, yeah, not carrying any identification was a real thrill if you had to divert to an alternate landing site. People don’t understand that you don’t have your military ID with you and refuse to allow you to use the Base facilities. We could use the most secure facilities on the base, but couldn’t buy a meal or eat at the mess hall until WTF messages were received from our HQ. We made some damn nasty landings to avoid those problems.
It is sort of obvious that Truecrypt has been served with papers by the Stasi/FBI that include a gag order. The maker of every tool that Snowden used will be subjected to this. They are probably trying to decrypt the stuff they got from Greenwald’s partner in the UK airport.