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Kafka – Day 2 — Why Now?
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Kafka – Day 2

About that ‘huge bureaucracy’ that the people keep saying the VA has – WRONG! While the number of people applying for benefits keep growning, the size of the VA is not keeping pace. The VA is remaining static while the need grows, so it isn’t surprising that there are long wait times.

The one bright spot for today is that the VA Benefits center doesn’t waste your time with holding. They tell you to call again later, or wait until after normal working hours to call and schedule a callback.

They are still pushing their impossible to use website which I already know doesn’t have the information I need. All I want to know is what I have to send to them concerning my Mother’s death, and what address I use. If I get the number of any forms required, I can do a search to find the PDFs. You need the numbers because the titles of the forms are usually worthless. I also need the procedure for returning an over-payment. Apparently credit unions know how to do it, but commercial banks don’t.

The VA’s “huge bureaucracy” only has one benefits center, so everything has to be done by mail.


1 Steve Bates { 05.31.14 at 1:53 am }

When life hands you Kafka, make Kafka curry? Um, never mind…

2 Kryten42 { 05.31.14 at 5:55 am }

errrm… 😕 🙄 Not one of your better ones Steve. Having a tough day m8? 🙂

You do realize Bryan, that the whole VA mess is not at all new. Goes back some 200+ years I believe! I read some time ago how vet’s from the civil war who demanded the money & pensions they had been promised where actually rounded up and sentenced to death! It was commuted… But yeah… Amerikans loooove their vet’s! History is just littered with examples! NOT!

And yet, many (who obviously never read history) sign up for the privileged of dying or being treated worse than bum’s! Crazy.

3 Steve Bates { 05.31.14 at 11:08 am }

“Not one of your better ones Steve.”

“Ya get no [laughs] with one… meatball!”

“Having a tough day m8?”

Yep. Landlord hit us with an approx. 22% rent increase at one go. Not really unfair… he held off on any increases until the county jacked up his taxes ridiculously high… but we may have to vacate Our House, and possibly very soon.

4 Kryten42 { 05.31.14 at 11:14 am }

Ouch!! Very sorry to hear that Steve! Truly. Been there… not fun at all. I had a feeling something was up. I wish you & Stella all the good fortune there is. I wish I was able to help, sorry.

5 Bryan { 05.31.14 at 9:29 pm }

Sorry to hear that, Steve, not something anyone needs to hear in this economy. Rents around here are coming down because of the number of vacancies. The people who are working haven’t seen a raise in years, so there’s no point in asking for what you can’t get.

Our taxes are dropping because of the drop in house prices, but it’s a slow process, because there aren’t many sales taking place.

That is conflating two events, Kryten, the Draft Riots in the Civil War with the Bonus March during the Depression. The Bonus March ended when General Douglas MacArthur and his staff, Majors George Patton and Dwight Eisenhower, ordered tanks to roll over the tents and equipment of the World War I veterans attempting to get Congress to pay their war bonus.

Actually, President Hoover and the Congress were so appalled by what MacArthur did, that the bonus bill was passed.