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Low Information Voters — Why Now?
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Low Information Voters

I was updating my laptop at my Mother’s and turned on the TV to see if there had been any more shootings this morning and encountered the ‘bubble-headed bleach blond’ on his show, Hardball. He was talking to other media types about the loss that Cantor suffered in a Republican primary that was shocking all of the ‘cool kids’, because Cantor was the House majority leader and had all kinds of money for advertizing, which is the standard by which the ‘cool kids’ decide who will win. ‘BBB’ opined that Cantor lost because the Republicans hadn’t done anything about the reducing the deficit or much of anything else while in power.

Cantor got a super-safe, overwhelmingly Republican district after the 2010 redistricting because he was a senior House Republican and would be the obvious choice for Speaker if Boehner retires. He has coasted to reelection for years, so he was out campaigning for other people, and wasn’t even in his district for the primary.

A lot of Republican voters in the district seem to have expected that some of their issues would be passed into law after the Republicans gained control of the House, but all the Republicans have done is block things from being accomplished. The government shut-down was not what they wanted, they wanted action, and didn’t get it.

The challenger, a college professor named Brat, based his campaign on the old ‘the immigrants are stealing your jobs’ theme that has been used repeatedly since the early days of of the country. It was one of the issues that spelled the end of the Whig Party and the formation of the Republican Party in the mid-nineteenth century. It is hauled out every time there is an economic down-turn to deflect blame from the speculators who are usually behind most US economic down-turns.

No one I know of actually cares about the deficit except ‘BBB’, who keeps harping on it.


1 Kryten42 { 06.16.14 at 12:45 am }

LOL Yeah… I’ll be laughing for days! LOL Been posting a lot of Science vs Stupid stuff on pinterest, and it’s very popular, somewhat surprisingly! 🙂

Like this one (my comment attached is below the pic. The quoted part is the comment from the original source):

“Why is this man in power? He shouldn’t even be allowed to vote…” Vote? Hell… He shouldn’t be allowed to breed! If he is so concerned with wasting wind… he should stop talking! Seriously! And that goes for all his co-morons too!

Here, just for fun… one of the voters (and my comment):

“After the Nye/Ham debate, creationists were asked to pose questions to evolutionists.” — You know, people like this prove to me that God doesn’t exist. Because what kind of a moronic God would create people so insanely stupid that make God look like a moron??! Seriously… Wouldn’t a ‘supreme being’ want worshipers that have at least some intelligence so they can appreciate all his incredible wonder? Denying science is denying God. Unlike religion… Science isn’t man made!

2 Bryan { 06.16.14 at 10:17 pm }

Joe Barton is the reptile who apologized to BP because the government was saying nasty things about them after they dumped millions of barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

As for the question – if you think the earth is flat, a sunrise is pretty amazing and inexplicable. When you believe that a book written millennia ago for an audience of Mideastern sheepherders contains all of the answers for everything, there is very little that doesn’t have to be explained by ‘miracles’.