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The Quest Continues — Why Now?
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The Quest Continues

I’ve progressed from Franz Kafka through Joseph Heller and L. Frank Baum to a world of Lewis Carroll in my attempt check all the boxes, dot all the I’s, and cross all the T’s and return to a somewhat normal existence down here in South Fundistan.

The people who have been in very similar circumstances even a year ago are telling me that this is new, that they had none of these problems. I’m beginning to think that there is a system failure in progress, that so many people who used to do this have retired or been laid off, that those who are left just can’t handle the workload imposed on them.

Regardless, I will locate the snark and dispatch it with a snicker-snack.


1 Steve Bates { 06.16.14 at 12:43 am }

I applied online for Social Security benefits (hey, it worked fine for Medicare)… no extras, no disability… on May 23. The reply said I’d receive a decision within 10 (business, I assume) days, and I still haven’t heard from them. Since I’m applying for full benefits starting 8/1, they may just be taking their time, clearing their backlog. But I’ve read recently that in some states with a heavy GOP presence there is pressure from state officials to reduce the cost of Social Security not by reducing benefits… most times there is no legal way they can do that… but by delaying the start date of benefits, which may or may not be legal, but it’s a lot more difficult to find something to grab hold of for leverage than if they simply shortchange you.

This sort of crap seldom happened under past Dem administrations, even Bill Clinton’s. But they’ve apparently figured out how to go along with GOPers on this matter… I lift a glass of, um, Coke Zero to Obama for his great achievement on putting the squeeze on old and/or disabled people.

2 Bryan { 06.16.14 at 10:04 pm }

Social Security doesn’t cost the states anything. The reason the GOP is trying to slow things up is so they won’t have to deal with the cost of redeeming all of the T-Bills that Social Security took to cover their surplus. As people start drawing their benefits the surplus disappears and the T Bills get cashed in, meaning that Congress has less money to play with.

It’s your money and you will get it beginning on your start date. Even if there is a screw up, you will get paid based on that August 1 start.