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He’s Baaaack … — Why Now?
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He’s Baaaack …

Dick ‘Dick’ Cheney slithered out of his crypt to complain that Zero is wrong in handling Iraq.

This is someone who thinks that the ‘proper’ way of conducting foreign policy is to decide what you want to do and then ‘create’ the data and ‘intelligence’ that proves your decision is right. Then you attack anyone who casts doubt on your decision by gathering real intelligence and actual facts. You not only attack the individual, under the Cheney Method, but their family.

Cheney should be in a cell for war crimes, not writing opinion pieces.

The Iraqi government has formally asked for US air support. Zero doesn’t need to get permission from Congress to take military action, because the Congresscritters have refused to repeal the original Authorization for the Use of Military Force in Iraq. They could have reasserted their control over war, but they didn’t do it.

Something that isn’t coming back is the Spanish national football team at the World Cup. After losing to Chile, they will go no further.


1 Jim Bales { 06.19.14 at 9:12 am }

You not only attack the individual, under the Cheney Method, but their family.

And don’t forget that, in the Cheney method, you get bonus points if, when attacking your critics family, you reveal their identity as an undercover CIA operative.

2 Bryan { 06.19.14 at 1:20 pm }

Right in one, Jim, that was exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote it. Joe Wilson was the most senior US diplomat in Iraq during the first Gulf War, and certainly had no love for Saddam, who threatened to hang him.

Cheney is obscene – he has “no redeeming social value.”

3 Badtux { 06.19.14 at 9:40 pm }

Cheney has no shame and a perfect ability to lie with a straight face in a way that seems sincere and common sense. I still remember the Cheney vs Edwards VP debate. Cheney basically blindsided Edwards by telling the most outrageous lies with a straight face and all apparent sincerity. Edwards looked like a frickin’ fish, completely flabbergasted because in a court of law, he would have been able to cross examine the defendant and bring in external evidence showing that the defendant was a dirty liar. But in politics, that doesn’t seem to be possible and Edwards didn’t know how to deal with that.

That was a preview of the next eight years of the Cheney presidency…

4 Bryan { 06.19.14 at 10:54 pm }

He was an arrogant bully to those below him, and a total brown-noser to his bosses. He might even believe his lies, his version of reality. It wouldn’t surprise me if he could pass a polygraph because the changes that the polygraph tracks depend on people knowing they are lying.

The only way to keep politicians somewhat honest is an honest media that points out lies and we don’t have one.

5 Steve Bates { 06.20.14 at 10:46 pm }
6 Bryan { 06.20.14 at 11:59 pm }

I remember when you posted that originally, Steve 🙂

Oh, Shirt, the military contractors are paying for the politicians to vote for these ‘police actions’. That’s who these forces “protect and serve” 😉

7 Kryten42 { 06.25.14 at 8:42 am }

I’m catching up on TDS which i missed the past week or so. I watched the Tuesday edition (23/6) and Jon couldn’t stand the amazing barefaced lying, and neither could I! He is blaming Obama from withdrawing the troops from Iraq, when it was Dickey was the one who negotiated the Withdrawal of US Forces with no Stay-behind” agreement with Iraq, and then openly bragged about it on US media in 2009. Even one of the usual bobble heads on FOX called him out on it (to the amazement of Jon and myself!) She said to him (I am quoting from memory), “Time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong in Iraq as well sir. What do you say to those who say that You were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many?” I felt the World blink and even go “TILT!” LOL

I think his days are finally numbered! Way past time due unfortunately.

8 Bryan { 06.25.14 at 9:56 pm }

He’s a zombie and will never totally disappear. Daughter of Cheney will ensure that his ‘charming personality’ afflicts the national discussion for the next decade at least.