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Say What ‽ — Why Now?
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Say What ‽

The Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, took to the floor of that ‘august’ body to declare that the US is the ‘policeman’ of the world, and must intervene anywhere there is a problem.

That is absurd, insane, and dangerous. That will paint an even bigger and brighter target on Americans everywhere.

From the White House we get word that not only are we sending troops to bolster embassy security, we are also sending 300 military advisors. Instead of MAC-V, we are going to have MAC-I. I’ve seen this movie before and really didn’t like it.

We are witnessing an outbreak of the mnemonic plague.


1 Shirt { 06.20.14 at 11:27 am }

Pardon my ignorance but what is MAC-V/I?

About Mitch: Police are funded by taxes on those who are being protected by the police. How is Mitch proposing to collect those taxes?

2 hipparchia { 06.20.14 at 12:54 pm }

macv: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Assistance_Command,_Vietnam

i’m assuming the “i” is for iran….

3 Bryan { 06.20.14 at 3:59 pm }

Sorry about the assumed knowledge. MAC-V [Military Assistance Command – Vietnam] was the headquarters for US military operations in Southeast Asia and the ‘font from which all’ the bogus information and outright lies about what actually happening during the Vietnam War flowed. As the name implied, the US was supposedly ‘assisting’ the government of South Vietnam.

We are again on the path to ‘assisting’ the government of Iraq. Maliki should be worried because regime change is probably in the cards, even before a “Gulf of Tonkin incident” is created.

It all started with some military advisors and air support.

I am no doubt over-reacting, but the memories haven’t faded.