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Happy Canada Day — Why Now?
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Happy Canada Day

La fête du


Thank you for not yet building a fence along your southern or western border, and for brewing great beer.

Schedule of Ottawa events and some background.


1 Badtux { 07.04.14 at 2:04 am }

Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto had an eventful Canada Day. First, he held a press conference to announce that he had successfully completed rehab and was resuming what few duties remain of his office. He did not invite the press to this press conference. Next, he went out and participated in the Canada Day parades, and got heckled by Shirtless Jogger Guy, who has now become nearly as famous as Mayor Rob Ford as a symbol of Canada :).

Hey, us USA’ians gotta entertain ourselves *somehow*. Our own politicians seem to have gotten rather boring lately….

2 Bryan { 07.04.14 at 9:45 am }

I fear that ol’d Bob has reached his sell-by date and will pass from the scene. There seems to be a limited shelf life for the petty political loonies. Only in Louisiana is it the key to longevity in politics. He should head South and run for mayor of Baton Rouge.

3 Badtux { 07.10.14 at 2:32 am }

Well, since Mayor Ray Ray has gotten put into the Federal pokey for the next ten years, Mayor of New Orleans is always a possibility ;).

4 Bryan { 07.10.14 at 1:53 pm }

He would be a good fit for the Big Easy if he slowed down a bit.

5 Badtux { 07.11.14 at 11:58 pm }

Louisiana has a fine tradition of larger-than-life politicians whose shoes he would fill aptly. Just because it’s called the Big Easy doesn’t mean that all of its politicians have always been laid back! Main problem I suppose is that he’d end up in the Lousiana Wing of the nearest Federal pen. They probably got a revolving door on the Edwin Edwards Memorial Jail Cell for all the Louisiana politicians who end up moving through it, from “Dollar Bill” Jefferson to former insurance commissioner Jim Brown ;).

6 Bryan { 07.12.14 at 8:02 pm }

All I meant was he should talk slower, not that there was any need for him to reform his life style.