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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Alert Rabbit

Friday Cat Blogging

Got a blanket?

[Editor: The kit is doing a modified ‘rabbit’ posture on the concrete. The chilly weather made it a good choice as it had been warmed by the sun.

Friday Ark


1 ellroon { 09.27.14 at 8:20 pm }

Aww.. it needs to sort out its paws. It is a really pretty tabby.


2 Bryan { 09.27.14 at 8:49 pm }

It has never had to deal with cold weather before and was shifting to get peds off the ground. the slab was warm, but only relatively. It is finally moving like an adult cat part of the time, but then it breaks into the kitten bouncing to catch up to Mom, or big brother Hadley.

There are signs that it might become friendly, which is Hadley’s influence.

3 Kryten42 { 09.29.14 at 1:12 am }

He really is a cutie! I want one! 😀 Be glad when I can move to a place where I can have a cat again. And a dog. Maybe a Ferret too! 😉 LOL I love animals… what can I say? 😉

That’s a good pic Bryan. And he doesn’t seem to mind you too much, just cautious. Normal at that age. 🙂

4 Bryan { 09.29.14 at 3:17 pm }

I’m a ways away using the telephoto not to spook him. If I had food I could get closer and destroy the shot.

Yes, it isn’t easy finding a place that accepts animals. All it takes is one destructive pet to ruin it for all pets.