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More Ebola — Why Now?
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More Ebola

Badtux has an infographic that pretty much nails the ‘threat’ of Ebola. The ABC adds some more detail in How you can and can’t get Ebola.

The BBC has a video showing Ebola bio-hazard suit: How to wear it and what can go wrong. They shot this in Texas and I could see one very major problem with their system – the gloves. They used the standard blue nitrile gloves which I have used for years for dealing with chemicals, painting, and other messy jobs, as well as caring for my Mother. The gloves have a problem – no cuff to protect the ends of your sleeves. I now use a more expensive glove that extends well up my arm. That’s what they need.

CNN covers another problem in a video with a Dallas physician who gets upset when it is pointed out that the hospital screwed up, and the ABC covers Second Texas nurse tests positive for virus one day after taking commercial flight.

When hospitals became profit centers and control shifted to MBAs rather than MDs, it became inevitable that business would make health care a secondary priority.