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The News ? — Why Now?
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The News ?

The only real news I’ve seen is that the Turks are apparently allowing Iraqi Peshmerga forces to transit its territory to fight the ISIS forces around the city of Kobane in Syria. This is a big deal for the Turks to agree to this, but ISIS shells are landing in Turkey along the border.

A guy admits to murdering one woman in Indiana and leads the police to the bodies of 6 other murdered women, but no one wants to call him a serial killer. The media and authorities get weird at times. If they all died at the same time he would be a ‘mass murderer’, but given the geographic separation of the bodies, it is fairly certain that he is a ‘serial killer’ with a minimum of 7 victims.

I thought August was supposed to be the slow month for news.

Oh, there is a possible problem brewing in the Bay of Campeche, but if it makes it to tropical status it isn’t likely to be around long.