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2014 October 23 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Ebola Bans

The people who think banning entrance will stop Ebola have more support: North Korea.

Look, you had the lab supervisor who spent big bucks on a cruise to the Caribbean get confined to her cabin for the trip, and the ship refused landing permission by Belize and Mexico, despite the fact that she didn’t have any symptoms of anything, and was found to be Ebola-free once she got back to the US and could be tested.

Then there was the Air Canada pilot who refused to have blood samples on his airliner, because they were going to be tested for Ebola.

The disease that is spreading outside of West Africa is paranoia, not Ebola. Chill the hell out, people.

October 23, 2014   6 Comments