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Feast of the Epiphany — Why Now?
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Feast of the Epiphany

Today marks the Feast of the Epiphany, end of the twelve days of Christmas, and Día de los Reyes in Spanish-speaking countries.

This is the customary day for gift exchanges in many Christian cultures because it is the day that the Magi finally arrived in Bethlehem with their totally inappropriate gifts after putzing around for a week and a half because they didn’t want to ask for directions.

[Give me a break! They bring soft metal, smelly tree sap, and bitter medicine associated with embalming to people who could use a hot meal, baby clothes, and diapers.]


1 NTodd { 01.06.15 at 2:49 pm }

It’s the thought that counts.

– Melchior

2 Bryan { 01.06.15 at 4:33 pm }

Why doesn’t the evidence show any indication of actual thought? They show up eleven days late and don’t even bring a stuffed animal?!

3 Badtux { 01.07.15 at 4:16 pm }

Well, at least we know that if this happened today, it would be known as the 2 Kings Day. I mean, a dark-skinned man approaching a white infant with drugs? Surely if any of the other police shootings have been justifiable, that one would be, right?

– Badtux the Snarking Penguin

4 Bryan { 01.07.15 at 7:48 pm }

That one would probably be listed as a suicide.