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Groundhog Day — Why Now?
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Groundhog Day

Militant Groundhog

It’s Groundhog Day and some of the militant marmots object to being disturbed.

The CBC has a background piece on the practice of annoying small mammals on February 2nd to check on the weather.

If they were looking for bad weather advice, instead of annoying hibernating rodents, they should just ask the current Congressional leadership. </snark>

Update: The majority of the groundhog community told the media to buzz off and invest in warm clothes because they were going back to sleep for another month or so. It was also suggested that they look at a weather map, because ‘it ain’t over, until it’s over’.

Meanwhile the latest Winter Storm Warning is in effect for the Northeast and a following system is a third of the way across the country.


1 Badtux { 02.03.15 at 1:22 am }

Only in America do we accept weather predictions from a rodent but deny climate change evidence from scientists.


2 Bryan { 02.03.15 at 8:59 am }

In a country where medical professionals don’t believe in the need for vaccinations is this really surprising? Maybe the climate scientists should start wearing Mickey Mouse ears to be taken seriously </snark>

3 JuanitaM { 02.03.15 at 9:02 am }

Jimmy the Groundhog bit the mayor’s ear in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Apparently, I have a strange twist of mind since it was the highlight of the day as far as I could see. 🙂

4 Bryan { 02.03.15 at 9:10 am }

I act like that when you wake me up early, so I’m with Jimmy. This is supposed to be hedgehogs, not groundhogs. Hedgehogs actually wake from hibernation around this time to see how things are going, and will go back to sleep if they don’t like what they see. I don’t remember a winter in the snow belt that ended in February. Even down here it was normal to have a freeze around Easter.

5 hipparchia { 02.04.15 at 6:16 pm }

“In a country where medical professionals don’t believe in the need for vaccinations is this really surprising? Maybe the climate scientists should start wearing Mickey Mouse ears to be taken seriously ”


6 Bryan { 02.04.15 at 9:22 pm }

That should work, Hipparchia, or get the professionals with actual knowledge noticed at a minimum.