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Raspberry Pi 2 — Why Now?
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Raspberry Pi 2

Raspberry Pi
The BBC reports on the new model: Raspberry Pi 2 unveiled with faster processor and more memory.

The pricing remains the same, about $35 for the board, but it is a more powerful computer with a Cortex A7 quad-core processor operating at 800MHz vice a single-core at 700MHz, and 1 gigabyte of RAM. Instead of standard SD cards the 2 uses microSD storage. Everything else is identical to the model B+ and fits in a model B+ case.

On the software front, Microsoft is supposedly readying a version of Windows 10 for the model 2.


1 Steve Bates { 02.04.15 at 2:18 am }

“On the software front, Microsoft is supposedly readying a version of Windows 10 for the model 2.”

Is that a promise, or a threat? 😈

“The Raspberry Pi 2 can run a variety of Linux-based systems out-of-the-box, but its makers have also promised it will be able to support Microsoft’s next operating system at a later date.”

Out-of-the-box, eh? and it will surely feel like a bigger box.

In my Windows developer days, I confronted one or two hard crashes or blue-screens a day… day in, day out. As a retiree running a couple of boxes on Ubuntu Linux, I have seen exactly one hard crash in about four years… and that was because my house power took a near-direct lightning strike and one of the UPS’s was too old and frail… IOW, nothing to do with the operating system.

Put away that gun; you couldn’t even threaten me into going back to Windows. I do understand why they want to be able to advertise they can do that, but they can’t do it on my time anymore.

2 Bryan { 02.04.15 at 12:57 pm }

They are a non-profit and are probably receiving a ‘donation’ from M$. They are using Smartphone architecture and M$ wants to be in the Smartphone market. They have sold millions of boards and are on course to be the best selling British computer ever. This will be a logical move by M$ for market reasons, and you get to determine what runs on the machine, so, YAWN, who cares.