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A Win? — Why Now?
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A Win?

From the BBC: Net neutrality set to be defended by US regulator

The chairman of the US’s communications watchdog is proposing “strong” protections to ensure the principles of net neutrality are upheld.

In an article in Wired, Tom Wheeler said he intended to place new restrictions on how fixed line and mobile broadband providers handle data.

He plans to prevent the service providers from being able to create fast lanes for those willing to pay.

Verizon has indicated that it might begin legal action as a consequence.

He is talking about regulating the ‘Net as a ‘utility’, both the wired and wireless versions, which will please everyone except the telecoms and cable corporations who want to milk their networks rather than improving them.

Verizon will file law suits, because that is what they always do. They probably have more lawyers that system engineers on the payroll. They don’t want to compete, they want to maximize their profits.


1 paintedjaguar { 02.05.15 at 1:49 pm }

One can hope. Considering the source (Obama/Wheeler) one should of course also keep an eye peeled for the dagger.

2 Bryan { 02.05.15 at 9:30 pm }

I’m with you, PJ, I’ll believe it when I see it. Still, it is better than what Wheeler was originally proposing before their server was overloaded by people complaining about the proposed new rule.

3 Steve Bates { 02.06.15 at 4:54 pm }

Your post title and your blog name appear like this on my title bar:

A Win? — Why Now?

That pretty much tells the story IMHO. I’m waiting for the other digital shoe to drop…

4 Bryan { 02.07.15 at 12:27 am }

Exactly. With Zero you won’t know for certain until it actually happens. I’m not holding my breath.