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Yukon Quest 300 – Start — Why Now?
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Yukon Quest 300 – Start

Sled DogThe YQ 300 also started today in Whitehorse, at 3PM PST [5PM CST]. This race only goes to Pelly Crossing with a finishing 50 mile loop.

Starting grid:

1 Timofei Gynuntegin (51)
2 Alyssa Quaile (52)
3 Martine Le Levier (53)
4 Michelle Phillips (54)
5 Aliy Zirkle (55)
6 Olaf Thurau (56)
7 Dave King (57)
8 Simi Morrison ((58)
9 Kim Franklin (59)
10 Claudia Wickert (60)
11 Jake Berkowitz (61)
12 Alexandra Rochat (62)
13 Marcelle Fressineau (63)
14 Gaetan Pierrard (64)
15 Peter Reuter (65)
16 Alex Serdjukov (68)
17 Jim Bruton (69)

Melissa Schenke (66) & Jacob Heigers (67) scratched in Whitehorse.