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Tony Abbott Survives — Why Now?
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Tony Abbott Survives

According to the ABC the vote on Tony Abbott continued leadership of Australia’s government ended with a 61 to 39 vote to keep him.

While this is good news for him, after a challenge like this the current government is significantly weakened. Most of the conservative parties are experiencing ‘leadership problems’ as a result of their flawed economic policies.

It’s time to stock up on the popcorn for watching them come apart.


1 Kryten42 { 02.16.15 at 9:56 pm }

The labor Party have created a new web site to help sane Aussies explain things to the conservative crazies who can’t be bothered by annoyances such as facts. 🙂 It’s also a useful single-source repository of “the way things actually are” rather than what the neo-con controlled media would like people to believe things are.

It won’t make much difference, because if facts worked on the right-wing crazies, they would have by now. But it may help those fence sitters or middle road undecideds. 🙂

How to Talk to Your Liberal Mate

BTW, the spill vote failed because Abbott *promised* the Liberal party politicians in Adelaide that he would change his mind on the new fleet of subs planned to be built in Japan and would use a tender process. Of course, after the vote, he changed his mind (for those not paying attention, he lied to his fellow party Members. What a shock.)

Just when you think he’s finally come to his senses on something, it looks like he’s lying again.

On Sunday, as a spill motion threatened the Prime Minister’s job, a rare bit of good news was developing for Australian manufacturing.

After months of refusing to guarantee a “competitive tender” for Australia’s future submarines, Tony Abbott told South Australian Liberals that finally there would be a competitive tender to build our new fleet.

This was music to the ears of thousands of Australians fighting for the subs to be built on Australian soil, passionate about delivering the submarines Australia needs and saving manufacturing jobs in South Australia.

Unfortunately we found out that the only reason he reversed his position was to stop South Australian MPs and Senators from voting against him in a leadership spill.

That’s right, the Prime Minister used our new submarines as a bargaining chip to win him a couple of votes in a last minute attempt to sure up his leadership.

But it gets worse. Today the Liberal Government made an announcement on submarines that said nothing about a “tender”. In fact, they surprised everyone by announcing what they are calling a “competitive evaluation process”.

What does all this mean? It looks a lot like Tony Abbott just lied to keep his job. He lied to us all so he could become PM, now it looks like he lied to his own colleagues to stay PM.

He wasn’t thinking about the thousands of Australians who might lose their job if the subs were built overseas, he was only thinking about one job – his.

These submarines will be one of the most important national security assets Australia ever has and Tony Abbott has turned this procurement process into a shambles.

We can’t let the politics of saving the Prime Minister’s job be put ahead of the national security interests of this country. By sharing our petition, you’ll help us make that clear.

Thanks for your support.

I signed the petition, giving several facts (as I was a junior project manager on the original Collins project in Adelaide). I received a phone call from the ALP shadow Defense Minister, and we had a lengthy chat. He’s going to use some of my details and points (some of which were classified) in Parliament when the debate comes up.

I am half Irish… So I have to do my Grandfather proud and be a huge PITA to conservatives everywhere! 😉 LOL

Fun, fun, fun… 😀

2 Bryan { 02.17.15 at 12:23 am }

Your politics are very confusing to people in the US because your conservatives call themselves ‘Liberals’, which Americans have been trained since Ronnie Raygun to believe was a synonym for Communists.

The ABC does a pretty good job with their fact checking feature to point out the outright lies and misinformation being spread by the current government so they are ‘obvious tools of the ALP’ in Fox-speak.

Abbott may have only bought himself a little time, because if he doesn’t start acting on his promises, there could be another spill called for by the troops. He just doesn’t understand his back bench. He, like Republicans, is effective in opposition, but can’t govern worth a damn.