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Iditarod 2015 Trail — Why Now?
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Iditarod 2015 Trail

Iditarod 2015 Map
Sled DogThis can be a very fast trail, or a pure terror depending on the condition of the ice on the rivers and the Norton Sound. With the Sound, the wind speed can also be a major factor, because if the ice is smooth, the dogs can’t get a grip and the entire team can get blown for miles.

The two numbers reflect the approximate number of miles from the last checkpoint, and the total miles for the race. The 11 miles for Fairbanks represents the ‘parade’ and are not actual racing miles.

As forecast the temperatures are dropping along the route and some snow has been added in the past week, so the lead teams should have a fast trail.

Tanana River
Fairbanks 11 11
Nenana 60 71
Manley Hot Springs 90 161
Tanana 66 227
Yukon River
Ruby 119 346
Galena 50 396
Over Land
Huslia 82 478
Koyukuk 86 564
Yukon River
Nulato 22 586
Kaltag 47 633
Over Land
Unalakleet 85 718
Norton Sound
Shaktoolik 40 758
Koyuk 50 808
Elim 48 856
Golovin 28 884
White Mountain 18 902
Safety 55 957
Nome 22 979