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International Pi Day — Why Now?
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International Pi Day

Albert Einstein

3/14 is Albert’s birthday and

Π Day.

PiI assume you have all shopped for the perfect gift.

To start: Π ≅ 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399


1 Badtux { 03.15.15 at 1:32 am }

Since I was busy with projectile diarrhea, I didn’t make it to the diner to get my slice of apple pie a la mode’. Bummer.

2 Bryan { 03.15.15 at 10:01 am }

Pepto Π a la commode isn’t really a good replacement 😉

It is going around down here, so I avoid people whenever possible.

3 Badtux { 03.15.15 at 5:18 pm }

Yeah, the good news is that today everything seems better. Maybe I’ll have my Pi Day pie a day late :). Glad of it, because man, I was really out of it for a couple of days there, running 100.5 to 101 degree fever and zero appetite at all. Even forcing down fluids to prevent dehydration was a chore.

4 Bryan { 03.15.15 at 10:57 pm }

I had a friend who went through it last week and he survived with bananas and water, as the only things he could keep down. I kept unflavored Pedilyte in the fridge for my Mother, and still keep it for me in the summer because once your electrolytes get screwed up everything falls apart when it comes to eating or moving.

I’ve heard that applesauce and blueberry yogurt are supposed to be good for stomach problems, but I haven’t tried them.