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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Dissatisfied Customer

Friday Cat Blogging

No more drama!

[Editor: CC apparently thinks I was responsible for what happened.]

The Friday Ark for lots of animal pictures.


1 Badtux { 04.11.15 at 2:33 am }

CC doesn’t look like she appreciates police officers. To be fair, given how many crazy people police officers have been shooting and killing lately, CC may be on to something. If they’ll shoot crazy PEOPLE, shooting crazy CATS certainly won’t be a big deal for them.

2 Shirt { 04.11.15 at 10:01 am }

I think CC is annoyed at herself for allowing you to be in charge.

3 Bryan { 04.11.15 at 4:37 pm }

I really was amazed that none of the officers fired their weapon, given the provocations.

You’re probably right, Badtux. CC can be a hell of a lot more provocative than than the guy was, and has a longer history of drawing blood from the foolish and slow.

She’s a cat, Shirt, cats don’t think people are in charge of anything except the can opener. She believe that when anything happens that she doesn’t like, it happened to annoy her.

4 Badtux { 04.13.15 at 12:40 am }

Yeah, the PD over in Arizona released video of their cops being attacked by a Roma grifter clan in the Walmart parking lot, and I’m surprised that the only Roma who got killed was one who grabbed a gun from an officer and shot the cop in the leg during the struggle for the gun. At which point another cop pulled his own gun and shot any non-cop who had his hand on a gun, killing one of them. Then put his gun right back in its holster and waded in with his ASP.

Which proved to be pretty worthless, actually. They need to get rid of those damn collapsible batons and go back to the good ole’ PR-24 side-handle baton. A few raps with a PR-24 with full leverage behind the handle and that person ain’t goin’ nowhere.

But anyhow, yeah, refreshing to see cops whose solution to every problem is *not* to shoot first, ask questions later.

5 Bryan { 04.13.15 at 4:07 pm }

I liked the PR-24 a lot. Two quick flips and people can’t do much with broken collarbones. It was really good for jabs into major muscles, which would cramp and bring down annoying people. I liked it better than my personal black walnut stick, It was also very good defensively in a melee laying along your arm.

Those collapsible batons are worthless to use.

Sounds like classic crowd control.

6 Badtux { 04.14.15 at 2:41 am }

But hey, didn’t you hear that pepper spray and Tasers make the PR-24 obsolete? [/snark]

7 Bryan { 04.14.15 at 7:49 am }

Pepper spray may have replaced Mace, but you can’t block a punch with a Taser.