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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging


Friday Cat Blogging

Where is everyone?

[Editor: Hadley came out for the first time in days as the sun peeked through, but there was nothing to attract his interest.]

The Friday Ark for lots of animal pictures.


1 hipparchia { 04.17.15 at 5:59 pm }

what is this “sunshine” stuff?????

2 Bryan { 04.17.15 at 7:58 pm }

It lasted about 15 minutes through a single break in the cloud cover.

3 oldwhitelady { 04.27.15 at 1:09 pm }

Beautiful! What a nice spot to do some sitting around. Maybe, he can even get in a nap:)

4 Bryan { 04.27.15 at 7:05 pm }

He naps on the roof. When he’s down on the ground he wants to chase things, almost anything will do.