Today is Queen Elizabeth’s 89th birthday, but it won’t be officially celebrated until June.
It was cool today after the cold front that has been stalled in the area and responsible for over a week of rain finally made its way through. The temperature is expected to bounce back tomorrow which will make my cats happy. I put the heater away, so last night was not pleasant for them.
Sydney and New South Wales Australia are being mugged by an intense low pressure system that has caused flooding and winds of over 60mph. While not an ‘official’ tropical storm, the effects are the same with major damage in the area.
But… according to the righties, the socialist health care system in Britain would have killed her via a “death panel” years ago!
Or as Stephen Hawking reportedly said, when an editorial in a right wing journal claimed he would be killed by a NHS death panel if he were British, what are they smoking?. More or less ;). Hawking being, of course, veddy British.
I remember when that comment was made and just couldn’t believe that anyone who knew Stephen Hawking’s name, didn’t know that he was British. He graduated from Oxford and was a professor at Cambridge, which should have provided a clue. The clown obviously didn’t know that Hawking’s ‘voice’ is produced by a speech synthesizer.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone in the US who has managed to live as long as Hawking with ALS.
I think that the British Monarchy generally don’t have to worry about death via ‘natural causes’ or ‘death panels’ if history is any guide. 😉 😀 89 is quite unusual for any Monarch! LOL
And LOL @ Hawking! You do have to wonder what some people are smoking/drinking! But he has proven one tough man. 🙂
Now now, Kryten, only a few… dozen… English monarchs have died via sword cutting off head, or hanging, or being smothered with a pillow at a young age, or … ;).
If her mother is any guide, the Queen will be there for another decade.
In the bad old days when kings actually led their armies, the life span was significantly shorter and there were always family members looking to improve their position on the ‘promotion’ list. Actually inbreeding has been a big limiter on life span in the last two centuries.