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2015 May 04 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Staying Informed?

The BBC has been alerting me for the last few days to ensure I knew that Will & Kate had a little girl on Saturday, and named the child Charlotte Elizabeth Diana today. This vital information was echoed on the CBC and the ABC.

In the waiting room today they had Faux News on the TV and they were broadcasting a ‘live report’ from one of their reporters on the scene in Baltimore who said a police officer shot a black man. A bit later Faux News had to issue an ‘Emily Litella’, i.e. ‘Never mind’, as that wasn’t in the same space-time continuum as the truth and the Baltimore police were very unhappy.

Two haters died after a attacking an event staged by a different group of haters in Texas. If the security officer hadn’t been shot in the leg, it would have been a wash. The haters who organized the event claimed it was about ‘free speech’, but anyone who has been aware of them knows that they believe that speech is only free if it agrees with them. Essentially you are free to slander Muslims, but if say any negative about the government in Israel, you are a Nazi. You reap what you sow.

May 4, 2015   Comments Off on Staying Informed?