What Next?
The CBC has an interesting and troubling article about a modified brewer’s yeast that can produce morphine and other opiates from sugar.
The yeast is under strict controls, but so is morphine and that hasn’t been terribly effective. If anyone can produce morphine in a home beer system with sugar, it will be rather difficult to stop people from abusing it.
This makes the whole battle about marijuana rather silly. Morphine will be easier and cheaper to obtain.
May 18, 2015 10 Comments
Say What?
I’ll be taking a break on Thursday for a medical procedure, so I’ve been busy organizing Real Life™, but there hasn’t been a lot happening.
The biggest story in the US was the “Gunfight At The Twin Peaks Parking Lot”. With 9 dead, 18 wounded and 170 arrested this is obviously a serious and dangerous incident. OTOH, a rumble at a ‘Hooters’ knock-off franchise at a shopping mall with ‘easy Interstate access’? Seriously?
My local motorcycle clubs are noted for partnering with the Marine Reserves in the ‘Toys for Tots’ campaign. Even so they don’t go to Denny’s, they go to small local joints, one club per joint.
Arranging a confrontation at mall is not something Johnny Strabler would have done.
When I rode a motorcycle in West Texas [San Angelo] I was definitely in the minority, and a target for pick-ups. Of course a lot of strange things happen in Whacko, Texas.
May 18, 2015 5 Comments