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Not Hacked — Why Now?
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Not Hacked

Apparently United Airlines lost an important router on the same day that the New York Stock Exchange decided to do a major software update and when they both crashed all sorts of government agencies got involved to find out if it was a ‘cyber-attack’.

United went down because their system lacks the redundancy to withstand a router failure, and the NYSE updated software without updating the configuration files to allow users to access their system after the update.


1 ellroon { 07.10.15 at 9:59 pm }

You make it sound so simple… I’m sure it was Islamofascist commie aliens!

2 Bryan { 07.10.15 at 10:23 pm }

I’m a firm believer in the power of incompetence when it comes screw ups in large organizations. Terrorists are a convenient excuse, but it is almost always incompetence.

3 ellroon { 07.10.15 at 10:58 pm }

Incompetent terrorists!!