It was apparently OK for Trump to malign immigrants, but the other Republican candidates have finally gotten upset with him for bad-mouthing John McCain. Even more hilarious is the reaction of Republican voters responding to polls saying they like Trump because he’s the only candidate with guts enough to speak ‘truth to power’. These people are apparently blissfully unaware that when you are a billionaire like Trump, you are the power.
July 20, 2015 Comments Off on Finally
Some People Get It
Stephen Hawking backs venture to listen for aliens: “The £64m ($100m) initiative was launched by the Breakthrough Initiatives group at the Royal Society in London.” They are going to be using radio telescopes in the US and Australia to search the near-Earth sky.
The US can’t come up the funds to build and launch weather satellites, but other countries are still doing basic research.
July 20, 2015 2 Comments