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Some People Get It — Why Now?
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Some People Get It

Stephen Hawking backs venture to listen for aliens: “The £64m ($100m) initiative was launched by the Breakthrough Initiatives group at the Royal Society in London.” They are going to be using radio telescopes in the US and Australia to search the near-Earth sky.

The US can’t come up the funds to build and launch weather satellites, but other countries are still doing basic research.


1 hipparchia { 07.29.15 at 8:22 pm }

so, the brits are putting up these huuuuuge spy stations in two of their former colonies???????? *that* ought to please the tinfoil hat crowd. 😈

2 Bryan { 07.29.15 at 9:01 pm }

Actually these telescopes have been around for years, and this contract will help to pay for them because the governments of the US and Australia have stopped funding science.