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Bumps in the Road — Why Now?
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Bumps in the Road

With all of the other problems California has had two recent incidents that got to me as a former driver in SoCal.

First was the wildfire that swept over I-15, the road that everyone in SoCal uses to get to and from Las Vegas. In my case it was to attend Comdex and other industry shows. Given the drought a wildfire was to be expected, but having the cars and trucks halted on the roadway and then burned was not.

Nor was what happened this weekend – a washout of I-10 at Desert Center. I-10 is the main route from LA to the East, especially Phoenix, Arizona, and a primary truck route. Having a flash flood take out a bridge on the eastbound lane, and undercut the base of the westbound lane was definitely not something anyone expected. Caltrans is hoping to reopen I-10 to two-way traffic on Friday.


1 Shirt { 07.22.15 at 9:26 am }

But, In return we got a really good gully washer. In fact, the Padres fans were really proud when a game with the rockies got rained out. Ramona got 4.5 inches with the usual flooding by a system that can’t handle so much water.

It was just painfull to see so much water roll down the streat gutters into San Luis Rey creek straight to the ocean.

Drought’s not broken, though.


2 Bryan { 07.22.15 at 10:34 am }

Hell, Mission Valley used to flood with a heavy dew, so getting in and out of the stadium when it was actually raining would involve boats.

Yeah, there is no place in San Diego County to store water. Raining in SoCal does nothing to break the drought but increases the fuel for the next wildfire.

3 ellroon { 07.22.15 at 11:31 am }

I’ll just leave this here: http://imgur.com/gallery/m5KaMVP

4 Bryan { 07.22.15 at 2:38 pm }

Yep, that’s about it, especially when the flood is at Desert Center.