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In The News — Why Now?
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In The News

I have been following the two dozen wild fires on the West Coast using the California Fire Map. Until there is relief for the drought this is going to be a constant threat for the Pacific Coast from Mexico to Alaska.

Another theater attack: “A man brandishing an axe and pepper spray has been killed by police after attacking people in a cinema in suburban Nashville, Tennessee.” When the police arrived, he pointed a pellet pistol at them and they opened fire. The man had major mental health problems

In local news: “Florida authorities are calling a recent triple murder in Pensacola a ‘ritualistic killing’ and believe the suspect had ties to witchcraft.” Apparently the bodies were posed, and I would assume that there were probably symbols and/or paraphernalia at the scene.


1 Badtux { 08.06.15 at 1:39 am }

I have a Jeep club trip scheduled for a couple of weeks from now. I’m just hoping that where we’re going, a bit north of Donner Pass, won’t be on fire. It shouldn’t be, it burned around 8 years ago so doesn’t have much duff to catch on fire, but things are so dry that even “green” trees are little more than tinder at the moment. 🙁

2 Bryan { 08.06.15 at 3:10 pm }

All it takes is a thunderstorm to turn a camping trip into Dresden revisited. That whole collection of fires around the Humboldt/Shasta/Mendocino forests is called the Lightning Complex because that’s what started the dozens of fires involved. I wish you luck.