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Good News — Why Now?
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Good News

The ABC has the news: Trans-Pacific Partnership delegates fail to reach final deal; pharmaceuticals, cars, dairy key sticking points.

Japan, Canada, the US, Mexico, and New Zealand all have problems with the TPP as it stands, but the workers and consumers most affected by this treaty aren’t allowed to know what is in it. Let this thing just die – show mercy and remove it from life support.


1 Steve Bates { 08.11.15 at 2:47 pm }

What they really need is a TP Partnership, an organization to provide TP to those nations that need it most of all…

2 Bryan { 08.11.15 at 10:49 pm }

Excellent, Steve 😆

3 Badtux { 08.13.15 at 11:14 am }

I wonder if Russian TP is as bad as Soviet TP was? And if that accounts for some of the actions of the Kremlin recently? 😉

4 Bryan { 08.13.15 at 10:09 pm }

Putin is banning all kinds of foreign products, and if TP is on the list, sitting around is not something people are going to want to do. The Soviet stuff was handy for removing paint. 😉