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Bad Ideas — Why Now?
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Bad Ideas

Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper calls the longest election campaign since the 19th century, and now has to deal with the reality that Canada is in recession as GDP shrinks in 2nd quarter. This is not a good election strategy as the incumbents don’t well when recessions start on their watch.

But the CBC didn’t stop at the border when reporting on dumb political ideas: U.S. border wall floated by Scott Walker.


1 Badtux { 09.02.15 at 5:21 am }

Border wall with Canada, eh? Other than the practical considerations, there’s the political consideration that, uhm, the Republican rank and file aren’t worried about white people trying to cross the border. It’s those brown people who terrify the poop outta them.

Yeah, that one’s gonna go over like a lead balloon :).

Regarding Canada’s economy, yeah, that’s what happens when you tie your economy’s strength to being Saudi Arabia North — when the price of oil goes down, your economy flops. Right now Harper is praying, “price of oil, go up, go up!” every night before he goes to bed…

2 Bryan { 09.02.15 at 12:44 pm }

The national security excuse for building a wall on the southern border but not the northern is bogus – we have actually intercepted real terrorists entering the US from Canada. As you say, the reason is racial, not security.

The price of oil makes oil sands extraction too expensive. The Keystone XL pipeline makes no financial sense in these conditions. Basing an economy on mineral extraction never ends well, as Australia is learning along with Canada.