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Graphic Problems — Why Now?
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Graphic Problems

The ABC is reporting that the Tokyo 2020 Olympics organizers are dumping the logo they just announced because it is too close to a Belgian theater’s logo and the designer of that logo is very unhappy about it.


The BBC displays the New Zealand flag finalists

NZ flag NZ flag

NZ flag NZ flag

There is going to be a referendum to select the single winner among this group, and later another referendum to decide if people want a new flag,

I might have missed something important, but wouldn’t it have made more sense to find out if people wanted a new flag before you spent all kinds of money?


1 Badtux { 09.02.15 at 5:22 am }

Well, it can’t be *that* expensive to hold referenda in New Zealand. It isn’t as if they let the sheep vote, after all. (Ba da BOOM).

2 Bryan { 09.02.15 at 10:26 am }

The referendum is by mail, but the cost for the entire process is around $26 million, which is a lot of money for New Zealand to spend on anything.

3 Badtux { 09.02.15 at 1:43 pm }

And if you’re wondering about the sheep jokes, I have a friend in Australia who loves making jokes about Kiwis and sheep. Very politically incorrect jokes ;). But yeah, that’s a lot of money even for a mail referendum….

4 Bryan { 09.02.15 at 4:29 pm }

I have a friend locally who is a Kiwi and she said she moved to the US because she’s allergic to wool.

The $26M is needed to cover the two referendums and the design competition.