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Autumnal Equinox — Why Now?
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Autumnal Equinox

You can watch the arrival of the equinox at Archæoastronomy. It takes/took place at 3:21AM CDT.

It’s time to man the rakes in northern climes while Spring arrives below the Equator.


1 ellroon { 09.23.15 at 10:55 am }

We had fall a few days ago because it rained. Now we’re having summer again. Even our trees don’t know what season it is. Some trees have died because people just turned off their sprinklers and didn’t water the city trees. The Chinese elms are buzzing with bees, the sycamores are in full shedding mode.

We can tell it’s getting towards October because we change our daily walk to keep under the shade….

2 Bryan { 09.23.15 at 2:12 pm }

We won’t actually hit ‘equinox’ for a another 3 days to burn off the extra 6 minutes of daylight and a couple more weeks at least before the weather turns livable outside. We do have autumn pollen counts that are annoying as hell.

Down in San Diego, September was usually the hottest month of the year, usually because of the frequent Santa Anas.