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Blood Moon — Why Now?
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Blood Moon

Via Ellroon Discovery covers tonight’s lunar eclipse:

The supermoon lunar eclipse of 2015 will occur Sunday, Sept. 27, and is a confluence of three events: a full moon; a lunar eclipse, in which the Earth blocks the sun’s light from hitting the moon; and lunar perigee, when the moon is in the closest part of its orbit to Earth. The last time such a confluence happened was in 1982; there were just five instances of it in the 20th century.

The moon will be shrouded in shadow Sunday night or early Monday morning (depending on the time zone). It will enter the dark part of the Earth’s shadow at 9:07 EDT Sunday (0107 GMT), and it will enter a total eclipse by 10:11 p.m. EDT (0211 GMT Monday) beforebegin (sic) to emerge from shadow 12 minutes later.

If the clouds break up I’ll be trying for a picture, but I don’t have a lot of optimism.


1 Badtux { 09.27.15 at 5:50 pm }

According to World Nut Daily, this means the end of the world.

No, I’m not joking.

Yeah, the same World Nut Daily that created the whole Birther thing out of whole cloth. That one.

End of the world.

The jokes write themselves, don’t they?

– Badtux the Head-shakin’ Penguin

2 Bryan { 09.27.15 at 9:53 pm }

The Blood Moon has meant the end of the world for millennia and no one seems to understand that people keep saying that but the world doesn’t end. It’s like all of the prophets who have said that the world is ending … but it doesn’t happen. You would think that people would notice that the world is still here, but they don’t.

3 Badtux { 09.28.15 at 11:25 am }

Or maybe the world ended years ago, and we’re just dreaming that we’re still alive, eh? ;).

4 Bryan { 09.28.15 at 4:01 pm }

Looking about me it would be easy to convince me at this point that hell exists and we are in it 😈

5 Badtux { 09.29.15 at 1:07 am }

I suppose it’s easier to believe that in North Florida — cracker paradise — though.