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Teach The Children? — Why Now?
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Teach The Children?

The BBC reports on our ‘culture’: US boy, 11, held for shooting dead eight-year-old neighbour

An 11-year-old boy in the US state of Tennessee has been held on suspicion of shooting dead an eight-year-old girl in a row over a puppy.

The boy has been charged with first-degree murder as a juvenile.

According to police, he shot neighbour McKayla Dyer on Saturday evening after she refused to let him see her puppy.

Since he killed her, he probably has an Eddie Eagle certificate from the NRA. Apparently the boy’s father kept his shotgun loaded in case of the zombie apocalypse.

As the victim is a cute little blond, I surprised the US media isn’t covering it 24/7.


1 Badtux { 10.06.15 at 6:47 pm }

Clearly the answer is to arm 8 year old girls.

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

2 Bryan { 10.06.15 at 9:24 pm }

Only if the question is how to get more people shot.

3 Badtux { 10.07.15 at 12:17 am }

Well, clearly comrade you have not properly absorbed doctrine from the Party’s little blood-red book. Then you would know that the solution to all crime up to and including abortion is to arm everyone from the moment of conception — even fetuses.

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

4 Bryan { 10.07.15 at 11:18 am }

When you have been shot at, shot up, and shot down you do tend to have a different opinion of arming everyone.

5 Badtux { 10.09.15 at 1:36 am }

What, you are saying that the voice of experience gives one better perspective than being a chairborne warrior? Heresy! Why, GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson knows better than people who’ve been there, done that, because he’s a *brain surgeon*! That’s why his opinion counts when it comes to guns and dealing with active shooters and stuff like that. Duh!

– Badtux the Snarking Penguin

6 Bryan { 10.09.15 at 11:23 am }

Cops responding to a ‘shots fired’ call have a tendency to shoot at anyone with a weapon. It is damn dangerous for plainclothes officers responding as uniforms tend to shoot at people who aren’t in uniforms. That’s the reason for all of the large reflective lettering on jackets and vests at raids – to protect cops from cops. This is the basic reason for law enforcement not being supporters of everyone packing heat – it is bad PR to shoot citizens who are responding to crimes.

Carson talked about Flight 93. The bad guys had box cutters not AKs – it does make a difference.