That’s Why I Don’t Watch TV
I was attempting to figure out what was going on in France and was reminded why the American media is worthless as a source of information.
The people that the US media uses to “analyze” security issues are political crackpots. Having been in the military or in the intel community doesn’t make their political posturing any less absurd. To posit that the US is in danger because the concepts of ‘innocent until proven guilty’, habeas corpus, and the Bill of Rights are preventing security forces from working effectively to protect the homeland, is to advocate the policies of the KGB and/or the Gestapo.
Other analysts are claiming that Edward Snowden is to blame for disclosing that the government was violating the law and the Constitution, forcing security agencies to comply.
These people don’t seem to understand that real terrorists already assume that governments are violating their own laws and wiretapping everyone, so they don’t use telecommunications.
Since it’s the weekend, watch this cat treat commercial: “Say sorry for the holidays”
November 15, 2015 10 Comments