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And The Hits Keep Coming — Why Now?
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And The Hits Keep Coming

CBC: Donald Trump faces fallout over proposed Muslim ban
BBC: Trump UK ban petition passes 329,000 signatures
ABC: Time Magazine releases footage of bald eagle named Uncle Sam attacking Donald Trump
BBC: Donald Trump: ‘I will never leave this race’ despite criticism

At least two cities in Canada want Trump’s name removed from buildings in them. The Mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida has banned him.

It is extremely difficult to believe that someone is actually serious about becoming a world leader when he keeps talking about all of the different groups of people he seems to hate.


1 shirt { 12.10.15 at 4:30 pm }

Hate is an easier sell than love.

2 Kryten42 { 12.10.15 at 9:30 pm }

Your moron is of course joined by our moron, Tony Abbott. What a surprise.

3 Bryan { 12.10.15 at 9:35 pm }

No doubt about that, Shirt.

At least Abbott is no longer your Prime Minister, Kryten. He’s embarrassing, but not your leader any more.

4 Kryten42 { 12.12.15 at 6:57 pm }

There was a good cartoon by Simon Letch in the above link about the (d)evolution of Trump. 😀 Trump is just a typical narcicistic, bigoted, hater. He hates so many groups, it’s difficult to know where to start! I am sure Trump is a deity to Abbott. Given the history, it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump got elected one day. Abbott did, though not for long. 🙂

5 Bryan { 12.12.15 at 11:29 pm }

Trump is a real estate salesman. The more ‘successful’ real estate agents are, the greater the probability that they are engaged in some form of criminal enterprise.

Trump’s biggest problem is that white, middle-class Protestant men are no longer the majority of the US population or voters. Many of the people that Trump has been attacking are customers of the money people in the GOP. Trump hasn’t been spending much because of all of the free publicity he has been getting. That will go away in the general election. He can’t afford to pay for a modern US Presidential election without help.