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Happy Festivus — Why Now?
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Happy Festivus

Yes, today is the celebration of the very untraditional Festivus.

If you celebrate I hope all of your grievances were aired and the airing did not involve the Festivus pole being used in an inappropriate fashion.


1 shirt { 12.23.15 at 3:38 pm }

“… did not involve the Festivus pole being used in an inappropriate fashion”. Well, no, but I did use it to test my Duluth underwear. ;>)

2 Bryan { 12.23.15 at 9:13 pm }


3 Kryten42 { 12.24.15 at 1:45 am }


Yeeesss… It must be the season to be jolly, all the clown’s are out! 😉

Well, ‘this Christmas eve here, and I am well and truly stuffed! Though not from food, heat exhaustion. 😀 Had to go out 3 times (I can only carry so much), & my favorite store had a 50-75% off Xmas sale. 😀 So, it was Xmas for me! 😆

I’m also entertain over the next few days, so hat to fill my new fridge/freezer! Think I need a bigger one already! 😉

Anyway, cheers all and enjoy.

4 Bryan { 12.24.15 at 9:26 am }

Very Happy Christmas, Kryten. You do get a half day start on the rest of us.

We have obviously ‘borrowed’ your Spring because it is in the 70s around here, which is not exactly normal.