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Apologies That Will Never Happen — Why Now?
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Apologies That Will Never Happen

Somali Islamic militants Al Shabaab use Donald Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ speech in recruitment film. I don’t think the people who said this was going to happen can be classed as “liars” any longer.

Update: Saudi Arabia breaks off ties with Iran after al-Nimr execution. Well, a few angry Shi’ia did, kind of … abuse the Saudi embassy in Tehran, by setting fire to it.

Iran says Saudi Arabia will ‘pay a high price’ for execution of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr. People seem to forget or miss the fact that almost all of the oil production around the Persian Gulf are in majority Shi’ia areas, even when the countries are majority Sunni. If Saudi Arabia’s Shi’ia population reacts badly to the execution of Nimr al-Nimr, oil production will be affected. The Saudis are experiencing deficit budgets because of low oil prices, so the government will be in even more trouble.

Update: As expected Donald Trump defends Muslim ban call after al-Shabab film.