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More Stuff — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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More Stuff

So a guy who is not a journalist is being criticized for writing an essay for a magazine following an interview with a criminal on the run. Apparently, rather than identifying the criminal and giving him an advance copy of the essay with a right of final approval, the non-journalist should have kept the source anonymous and given him final approval, like “real journalists” do.

The world’s stock markets are continuing to drop, but you can become an instant billionaire with a $1 2 Powerball ticket. This is the modern economy – a 401L(ottery) is probably a better way of financing your retirement than a 401K.

Update: My bad, apparently this game is $2 a chance, rather than 1.


1 Anya { 01.12.16 at 2:47 pm }

Lottery tickets are a cheap thrill. Where else can you buy Hope for $2?

2 Bryan { 01.12.16 at 8:44 pm }

It helps to provide pensions for some businesses, something that businesses once supplied on their own.

I guess if you win, you are obligated to buy at least a Senator and Congresscritter like the other billionaires. 😉

3 Anya { 01.12.16 at 9:31 pm }

Ghods, why would I want one? 😛

I figure with that kind of money, I could put some people to work… and live in a house that I wouldn’t be afraid to heat.

4 Bryan { 01.12.16 at 10:13 pm }

I look upon them as a curse of the money class – sort of like boats, if you have the money you are pressured into owning them whether you want them or not.