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Theater Of The Absurd — Why Now?
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Theater Of The Absurd

So Palin endorsed Trump and Cruz accused Trump of being the candidate of the Republican ‘establishment’. I thought Cruz was raving until I heard that Ted Nugent was favoring Trump. We can all agree that at this point Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent are the Republican Establishment, because no one else has been identified as filling that role.

Alas even the UK has noticed: The crazy way Americans elect their presidents.


1 Gerald { 01.22.16 at 1:51 pm }

For international onlookers, it can seem freakish and bizarre: a long-running farce populated by cartoonish characters,

Perfectly describes the entire GOP field!

2 Bryan { 01.22.16 at 9:09 pm }

I’m old enough to remember when the two parties were reversed and the Democrats had all of the crazies, but then came Nixon and the ‘Southern strategy’ …