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Stay Warm — Why Now?
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Stay Warm

Locally we had severe thunderstorms and assorted other severe weather warnings as a cold front moved through to provide the power and moisture for the major snowstorm that has been dumping about 2 feet of snow from DC to NYC. It is the third week of January so it should be snowing. This is the large flake, wet snow that is good for snowmen and snow ball fights, but a pain to plow and very hard to shovel.

Of course, not everyone took the opportunity to go sledding, Donald Trump says he could ‘shoot somebody’ and not lose voters in the Republican race. Wouldn’t that presuppose that he didn’t shoot one of his voters? This really is the sort of thing that transcends arrogance and is classed as hubris. No one has yet voted for Trump in either a primary or general election, but he’s talking like he has the race in the bag.

Update: Word is that the former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is looking at running for President as an independent, because what this race needs is another billionaire. 😈


1 Badtux { 01.24.16 at 9:31 pm }

“Deadeye Dick” Cheney was smirking as Trump said that. He should know :).

I went out and played in the snow with my Jeep club, and had a ton of fun. Well, until we hit Ice House Road, where they ruined our fun by sending out a snowplow (actually, a giant snow blower) to keep the road clear, thereby eliminating the need to slam our way through four foot high snow drifts. Boo!

2 Bryan { 01.24.16 at 10:33 pm }

They had video of people sledding down Philly’s ‘Rocky staircase’ [the stairs to the art museum] and doing all kinds of snow related activities in Central Park. People need to chill every so often and have a good time in the snow.