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A Disturbance in the Farce — Why Now?
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A Disturbance in the Farce

Yesterday was really annoying as my network was not playing well and M$ was patching all kinds things.

After a century there has been a direct observation of the last major element of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity – gravitational waves, a ripple in the space-time continuum. This is not the explanation for the existence of Donald Trump.

Badtux noted that Cliven Bundy got arrested at an Oregon airport. Meanwhile the last four holdouts at the Federal bird sanctuary have surrendered.

So far the Presidential primaries have consisted of caucuses in a conservative rural state and an open primary in a rural conservative state. Next will be caucuses in a different rural conservative state, followed by the first closed primary in a rural conservative state. All kinds of people have been dropping out before there is a contest in a state that actually reflects the demographics of the US.


1 Anya { 02.14.16 at 11:19 am }


I resent NH being characterized as “rural” and “conservative.” We no longer have more cows than people, and rural has turned into suburban, even in the North Country. As far as conservative, well, maybe… but not as bad as some. At least NH Republicans pretend to work with the Democrats. 🙂

2 Bryan { 02.14.16 at 5:37 pm }

Utica has almost as many people as Manchester and it is New York’s tenth in population. New Hampshire is small towns and villages surrounded by some farms and a lot of trees. The dinky little town I live in has four times the population density of New Hampshire and we have ordinances about horses, bears, and rattlesnakes, so it is hardly an urban area.

If people wanted urban they could go to Massachusetts. 😉