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2016 February 23 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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X Can’t Happen Because…?

So, I have been dealing with Tornado warnings and watches, Severe thunderstorm warnings, Flash flood warnings, Coastal Flood advisory, High wind advisory, High surf advisory, Rip tide advisory – in other words: Tuesday. There have been minor interruptions of the utilities, but I have been avoiding anything with a direct wired connection because of my low level of trust in the ability of any of the utilities to actually install a decent ground.

In Nevada they are playing the GOP version of the caucus game which will probably be won by Trump. Now, everyone but Trump and Republican primary voters have decided that it isn’t possible for Trump to win the Republican nomination for President, even though he is obviously well on his way to doing just that. So when I hear or read people claiming that Bernie Sanders can’t beat Trump in the election, I realize that I was correct to back him.

There will be over 20 million Hispanics eligible to vote in the Presidential election, and they won’t be voting for a Democrat, they will be voting against Donald Trump and his stupid wall. Bernie is bringing out new, young voters, and GOTV is the winning strategy in any election.

February 23, 2016   11 Comments