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2016 February 26 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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So while the Syrian conflict temporary truce comes into effect it is
Day one of the Republican civil war. Christie endorses Trump so he has a platform to bad mouth Marco Rubio. Christie blames ads run by a Rubio super PAC for knocking him out of contention in New Hampshire.

The CBC reports that Kevin O’Leary vows to be a ‘nightmare for politicians’ on economic policy. Kevin O’Leary is a Canadian millionaire realty TV star. While there is no known connection to the Zika virus, the problem is apparently contagious. Maybe Canada should have built a wall on its southern border to prevent this sort of thing.

It would appear that the IRS has been hacked … again. Perhaps if the government spent a bit more time and energy securing their own systems, and a good deal less spying on ours, we would all be better off.

Note: That Was The Week That Was (TW3) was a satirical news show on TV in the 1960s. Created and shown on the BBC, and then the concept was imported to the US.

February 26, 2016   2 Comments