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2016 March 11 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Well, That Didn’t Work

OK, so I uninstalled ESET, my anti-virus software, removed all of the software that was loaded at boot, clicked “try again” and learned that those clowns don’t store the update on the hard drive, you have to download it every time.

My next plan is to attempt to get the M$ media creator to burn an ISO DVD of this update so I can disconnect from the ‘Net while I’m doing this. I’ll let you know how it works out. If it is successful, it may be the best way of upgrading, and it will give you a recovery disk.

March 11, 2016   17 Comments

Iditarod 2016 – Day 6

Iditarod 2016 MapSled DogFor the first time since the start of the race we have an undisputed leader – Brent Sass. Jeff King is the only one of the top 50 who hasn’t completed a 24-hour, Brent really is the leader without an asterisk.

Aliy beat Brent to Galena by an hour, but he blew through to re-take the lead.

It looks Aliy is taking her 8-hour. Dallas has already taken his at Ruby, so the real racing will begin.

Update at 9:00PM CST:

Beyond Galena
1 Brent Sass (32)
At Galena
2 Aliy Zirkle (13)
3 Mitch Seavey (19)
4 Noah Burmeister (39)
5 Robert Sørlie (37)
6 John Baker (66)
7 Dallas Seavey (16)
Beyond Ruby
8 Joar Leifseth Ulsom (31)
9 Wade Marrs (33)
10 Nicolas Petit (12)
11 Ray Redington Jr (18)
12 Jeff King (61)
13 Scott Smith (62)
14 Kelly Maixner (17)

March 11, 2016   3 Comments