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Daylight Savings Time — Why Now?
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Daylight Savings Time

Just to screw up your life, don’t forget that Congress is stealing 2:00 to 2:59AM Sunday from you. They should at least have the decency to wait until the equinoxes to do this sort of thing. There’s barely enough daylight to do what needs to be done, much less save.

It’s a government conspiracy to make you late for church 😈


1 shirt { 03.12.16 at 11:44 am }

A California democrat assemblyman has introduced a bill https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2496
to get rid of this practice.

2 Bryan { 03.12.16 at 5:34 pm }

If they would stop screwing around with clocks and do common sense things like staggered start times, they would save more energy. The local Air Force Base as three start times to reduce traffic and peak electrical use. If every office starts at the same time, the heating/cooling systems start up at the same time, and of the computer equipment starts at the same time, the office coffee makers all start at the same time, so there is a spike in electrical use. If you lower that spike by staggered starts, you save electricity and power. The people who want to do outdoor stuff can work the early shift and get off early.

Calling “standard time” is a joke when “daylight savings time” is in effect most of the year.